Consensus Conference on Standardizing Terminology for Venous Leg Ulcers: Increasing Clarity and Communication in Clinical Practice. Preprint on COP (College of Phlebology) UK March 2024 Link
Burkholderia cepacia skin-related ulceration: a case report. BJN Published Online:10 Nov 2023 Link
Topical eosin for dyshidrosis. Wounds International 2022 | Vol 13 Issue 1 | Link
Cost effectiveness of a specialist wound care service. J Wound Care. 2021 Sep 2;30(9):685-692. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2021.30.9.685. Link
Preliminary review: should venous leg ulcers be considered healed or in remission? Wounds International Journal 2020, Vol 11, No 3 , pages 6 - 71 Link
Raccomandazioni per la valutazione e gestione del paziente affetto da lesioni da pressione del tallone. 3 August 2020. SNLG Link
Heel Pressure Injuries: Consensus-Based Recommendations for Assessment and Management. Advances in Wound Care. October 21, 2019. Link
Periodontal disease and chronic wounds: the theory of wound focal infection in a modern context. Wounds International 2019 | Vol 10 Issue 1. Link
SICKLE as a holistic approach to sickle cell disease related ulcers. British Journal of Nursing. November 2018. Link
Heel Pressure Injuries: The need for a structured evidence-based approach for assessment and treatment. A preliminary literature review. EWMA Journal 2018 vol 19 no 2. Link
Clinical innovation: The HOSIERY system for compression assessment. Wounds International Journal 2016, Vol 7, No 4 Link
The evidence for treating pressure ulcers located on the patient’s heel. JCN 2016, Vol 30, No 3 Link
Clinical innovation: Knee flexion contracture as an independent risk factor for the development of heel pressure ulcers. Wounds International Journal 2016, Vol 7, No 1. Link
Clinical innovation: SEE & WRITE — a new approach for effective recording. Wounds International Journal 2015, Vol 6, No 2 Link
Linee Guida EPUAP Prevenzione e Trattamento Lesioni da Pressione LINK
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